1. Which of the following materials exhibit adhesive qualities?
a. zinc phosphate cement
b. polycarboxylate cement
c. ASPA (aluminosilicate polyacrylate cement)
d. BIS-GMA resins
Answer: b and c
These are adhesive to tooth structure.
2. The most effective dental cement is stimulating growth of secondary dentin is one of the ff:
a. ZOE
b. CaOH
c. carboxylate cement
d. Zinc phosphate cement
Answer: b – CaOH
Calcium hydroxide tends accelerates the formation of secondary dentin over the exposed pulp.
3. Which one of the following types of dental materials releases fluoride after placement of the material in the restoration?
a. filled resin
b. unfilled resin
c. glas ionomer
d. zinc phosphate cement
Answer: c – glass ionomer
Glass ionomers contain and release fluoride which is important to preventing carious lesions. Furthermore, as glass ionomers release their fluoride, they can be recharged by the use of fluoride-containing toothpaste.
4. What is the other term used for “compomers”?
a. traditional glass ionomers
b. hybrid glass ionomers
c. polyacid-modified resin composites
d. metal-modified glass ionomers
e. light-cured glass ionomers
Answer: c – polyacid-modified resin composites
These composites contain polymer-based composites and also glass ionomers, with the exception of water. Although the name conpomer implies that the material possesses a combination of characteristics of both composites and glass ionomers, these materials are essentially polymer based composites that have been slightly modified to take advantage of the potential fluoride behavior of glass ionomers.
5. Enamel bonding in the placement of resin restoratives:
a. greatly reduces marginal leakage
b. conserves tooth structure
c. gives complete permanency to the restoration
d. results in a smooth surface finish with composite
Answer: A B
Marginal leakage is essentially eliminated if the enamel bonding technique is utilized in conjunction with placement of a composite. The preparation outline form for reception may be minimal. Even if a glazed would be applied its longevity is limited and the basic underlying composite is not an will not remain smooth nor will it endure permanently.
6. Setting time of zinc phosphate cement may be increased by:
a. using a slab cooled to just above the dew point
b. using a lower ratio of liquid to powder
c. using a longer mixing time
d. adding the increments of a powder slowly
e. a,b,c
f. a,c,d
g. b,c,d
h. all of the above are correct
Answer: F
The more liquid employed to the ratio of the powder, the slower is the setting rate.
7. Application of BIS GMA sealant makes it unnecessary to replace a non carious defective margin between a metallic restorative and the enamel. (TRUE or FALSE)
Answer: FALSE
The BIS GMA sealants cannot create a water resistant bond with amalgams, gold, or non precious metallic restorations.
8. Proximal caries usually starts:
a. at the contact areas
b. bet. The contact area and the marginal ridge
c. gingival to the free margin of the gingival tissue
d. gingival to the contact area and occlusal to the free margin of the gingival tissue
Answer: D
9. In a MO preparation there are how many point angles?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
Answer: C
10. The amalgam exhibiting the least degree of creep is:
a. lathe cut
b. spherical
c. combinations of spheres and fillings
d. dispersed phase-high copper
Answer: D
11. The term high speed is designated for rotary instrumentation speeds of ______ revolutions per minute?
a. 400,000 RPM
b. 300,000 RPM
c. 200,000 RPM
d. 20,000-1000,000 RPM
Answer: D
12. In zinc phosphate cement liquid the buffering agents are zinc and :
a. magnesium
b. bismuth
c. aluminum
d. silicon
Answer: C. aluminum
13. The cohesive gold alloy used only as a bulk filler is:
a. mat gold
b. electroly
c. spherical (powdered)
d. gold foil
Answer: A
14. The gold alloys used for casting contain at least ______ percent of precious metals.
a. 55%
b. 65%
c. 75%
d. 85%
Answer: C
15. Direct wax patterns should be constructed with:
a. type A inlay casting wax
b. type B inlay casting wax
c. type C inlay casting wax
Answer: B
16. A patient reports a serious allergic reaction to Oil of Cloves. Which of the following cements should be avoided?
b. Glass Ionomer
c. Phosphoric acid
d. Ethoxybenzoic acid
e. Zinc oxide eugenol
Answer: E
Eugenol is another name for Oil of Cloves.
17. Special problems that will have a high dental impact on the geriatric patient except:
a. lack of adaptive potential
b. poor plaque control
c. root caries
d. periodontal breakdown and levels of toothwear.
e. None of the above
f. All of the above
Answer: E
All will have a high dental impact to geriatric patients.
18. Geriatric population group considered as the young-old:
a. 55-64 years old
b. 65-74 years old
c. 75-84 years old
d. 85 years and above
e. None of the above
Answer: B
Ages 65-74 are considered to be young old. Old for 75-84 years old and old-old for 85 years and above.
19. Cement bases should have which of the following characteristics?
a. high edge strength
b. low coefficient of thermal expansion
c. low coefficient of thermal conductivity
d. high ductility
e. adhesiveness
Answer: C. low coefficient of thermal conductivity
20. In selecting intermediate base the following criteria should be considered:
a. ability of the material to protect the pulp
b. ability of the material to eliminate postoperative discomfort
c. ability of the material to prevent postoperative discomfort
d. effect of material in clinical success of restoration
e. all of the above
Answer: E. all of the above
The reason for using traditional liners of bases is to either protect the pulp or aid the pulp in recovery or both.
Ø Sturdevant: Art and Science of Operative Dentistry 5th edition
page 218
Ø Review of Basic Science and Clinical Dentistry Volume 11 by Jack E. Wells; Page 23
Ø Boucher, Louis J. A Comprehensive Review of Dentistry. W.B. Saunders Company.
Ø National Boards in Dentistry. Page 120