Tuesday, December 14, 2010


 1. a mobile tooth should be splinted to:

A.   At least one firm tooth
B.   At least two firm teeth
C.   As many teeth as possible
D.  A molar

B. A mobile tooth should be splinted to at least two firm teeth because splinting to one firm tooth wold cause the one firm tooth to become mobile. Splinting procedures should be employed that do not cause maintnance problems.

2 s.plinting around the arch will resist:

A.   Mesiodistal forces only
B.   Buccolingual forces
C.   Multidirectional occlusal forces
D.  Tilting forces only

C.  splinting around the arch or across arch splinting resists multidirectional occlusal forces . Splinting w/in  the same quadrant or arch only will resolve forces that exist in one plane, wherease splinting around the arch will protect the tooth against all forces, mesial ,distal, buccal , lingual, and occlusal . Increased stability is gained from going around the curve of the arch.

3.  If permanent fixation is not considered a necessity, then periodontal treatment should be rendered in conjunction with which one of the following temporary stabilization techniques?

A.   Circumcoronal fixation
B.   Intercoronal fixation
C.   Extracoronal fixation
D.  None of the above
C. If permanent fixation is not considered a necessity for the treatment of a patient , it is wise to use a type of temporary fixation that will not involve cutting tooth structure, such as acrylic and wire , cast splintints, night gaurds or gass line.

4.  questionable teeth are included in a splint for at least:

A.   One month
B.   Two months
C.   Three months
D.  Four months
E.   Five months
C. Decisions should be made when teeth are considered for splinting, questionable teeth should be included in a splint for at least 3 months. Shorter period of time will not allow sufficient evaluation time and longer periods tend to procrastinate the issue.

5.  which of the following is not a temporary provisional splint?

A.   Wire ligation                              C.  fixed internal acrylic splint
B.   Nonparallel pin splint                         D.  continuous cast clasp splint
B. A nonparallel pin splint is a cast gold splint used in the anterior region that invlves minimal prepration of tooth structure . It is considered a permanent resorative appliance.

6.  The earliest roentgenographic signs of periodontal breakdown can be observed in the:

A.   Pulpal tissue
B.   Periapical tissue
C.   Periodontal membrane space
D.  Interdental septa
B. The loss of the interdental septa is the earliest radiographic sign of periodontal disease. This is the first bony area affected because it lies in close proximity to the inflammatory exudate from the diseased tissue , w/c will result in the resorption the crestal bone.

7.  The buccolingual width of the occlusal surface of a tooth in the natural dentition is what percent of the buccal lingual width at the widest area of a natural tooth?  This principle should be considered in restorative procedures.

A.   80 percent                        C.  60 percent
B.   70 percent                                   D.  50 percent
E.    40 percent

C. The buccolingual width of the occlusal surface of a tooth in the natural dentition is 60 percent of the buccolingual width at the widest area of the natural tooth .
8.  The greatest advantage of a pin type restoration for splinting is

A.   Its cost
B.   Its retentiveness
C.   Its technique is simple
D.  It is not placed near the gingival tissue

D. the greatest advantageous of pin type restoration is that they minimal coverage of tooth structure and generally do not involve the gingival tissue ,
this allows the patient to ,maintain the tissue in a healthy state unencumbered by a prosthetic device under the marginal gingiva.
9.  The primary advantage of a nonparallel splinting technique is:

A.   The pulp is protected
B.   The cost
C.   The gingival is protected
D.  The minimal reduction of tooth surface

A. One of the advantage of non parallrl splinting techniques is that one can avoid the pulp by strategically placing pins and not be concerned with parallelism.

10.  Nonparallel horizontal pin splints are:

A.   Threaded to the tooth
B.   Cemented to the tooth and threaded to the casting
C.   Threaded to the tooth and cemented to the casting
D.  Threaded to the tooth and casting
E.   Cemented to the tooth and casting
B. Nonparallel horizontal pin splints are cemented in the channels through the tooth and threaded to the casting.

11. class I cavity do include :
A. occlusal surface of molars and premolar
B.lingual surface of maxillary incisor
c.pits and fissure
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

D. class I cavities include occlusal surface of molr , premolars, and lingual surface of maxillary incisors. These types   of cavities are classified under pit and fissure decay , which according to black's classification are class I cavities.

12.a cavosurface angle of prepared cavity is :
A.the angle of two walls along a line
B. the angle formed by the junction of three walls
C. the junction of the walls of cavity with the surface of the tooth
D.all of the above
E.none of the above

C.by definition , a cavosurface angle of aprepared is the junction of the wall of the cavity with the surfac of the tooth .

13.gold excels over other metals because:
A.it is not affected by fluides of the mouth
B.during melting it is immune to oxidation and hydrogen embrittlement
C. it has latitude of work ability because of ductility and malleabillity
D.two of the above
E. none of the above

E. gold excels over other metals because it is not affected by the fluid of the mouth , not is it soluble in the fluids of the mouth . During melting it doesnot become brittle due to oxidation and hydrogen processes

14.what is the most desirable particle size of a silver alloy?
A. 10-50 microns
B. 51-100 microns
C.101-150 microns
D.151-200 microns

B. the most desirable particle size for a silver alloy is 10-50 microns. Small particles make it possibility to pack more alloy  in cavity preparation.

15.an amalgam restoration can be polished :
A,any time
B.6 hours after the restoration has been placed
C. 12 hours after restoration has been placed
D. 24 hours after restoration has been placed
E. none of the above

D. an amalgam can be polished after 24 hours after it is placed . At this time all the reactions have been completed and polishing will not be detrimental to the physical properties of the material.

16.the last digit in the identification of operative instrument refer to the :
A. width
C. angle
D.none of the above

C. the last digit in the identification of the operative instrument usually refer to to the angle the nib makes with the shank.

17,  the gingival margin of most preparation

A.   Should always be placed subgingivally
B.   Should always be placed supragingivally
C.   Should be placed subgingivally if possible.
D.  Should be placed supragingivally if possible

D.  Placing the gingival margin supragingivally will help maintain the health of the tissue, although very often this is not possible because of extensive caries or previous restorations.
18.  If the contact of a restoration is not established, which of the following may result?

A.   Recurrent caries                         D.  two of the above
B.   Drifting of the tooth                  E.  all of the above
C.   Loss of the restoration
B.  Inadequate contact will result in food impaction and possibly recurrent caries at the margin of the restoration.  Teeth will tend to drift into the space that is open if not held by occlusal contacts.  Ultimately, the restoration will be lost if recurrent caries is excessive.

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