Saturday, July 23, 2011

commdent 3 DMD4BB


Questionnaires or Survey forms includes items referring to the:
1.    Resident’s personal information
2.    Information about the family
3.    Standard of living
4.    Information about the community

- After gathering the data, it is now ready to tabulate the results or put the facts or statistics in tables.

- Statistical data often come as LARGE SAMPLES or in a form unsuitable for immediate interpretation.
- It is usually necessary to group the data into appropriate classes before the general characteristics can be detected and measured

- In the tabulation of data, the GROUPED FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION will be utilized. In a grouped frequency distribution, all values should have intervals. The choice of the width of intervals is arbitrary or based on your own preference or notion. The intervals should be the same or equal for all intervals.

- The completely tabulated record is called FREQUENCY AND PERCENTAGE TABLE. The completely tabulated record consists of series of CLASS INTERVALS and their associated FREQUENCY NUMBERS and PERCENTAGE.  The frequency number or frequency of a class is merely the number of that class.

Formula for percentage (%):

                                   Observed frequency

 %  = _________________________ X 100
                               Total possible frequency

Steps involved in frequency distribution:

1.    First, list the possible values in rank order, from highest to lowest. (first column)
2.    Second, a second column indicates the frequency or number who fall under a specific group or value
  1. Third, a third column indicates the percentage of that particular frequency

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Table According
to the Number of Family Members



9 and above

            Table 1 show that out of five families, four families have 7-8 members, and only one family has 3-4 members. This may be due to lack of information and practice about family planning.

          Table 1 shows that majority of the respondents have 7-8 family members with a frequency of four and percentage of 90%.



1. Frequency and Percentage Table According to the Number of Family Members

2. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Total Family Monthly Income

3. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Total Family Monthly Expenses

4. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Families Who Own or Rent Their Houses

5. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Where Families Consult in Case of Sickness

6. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Respondents Who Consult Dentist

7. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Number of Times Respondents Brush Their Teeth

8. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Number of Respondents Who Uses Dental Floss

9. Frequency and Percentage Table According to Number of Respondents Who Uses Mouthwash

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Table According
to the Number of Family Members

            9 and above
                              7 – 8
                              5 – 6                                                   
                              3 – 4

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Table According

to Total Family Monthly Income

            6,001 and above          
                              5,001 – 6,000
                              4,001 – 5,000 
                              3,001 – 4,000
                              3,000 and below

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Table According

to Total Family Monthly Expenses

            6,001 and above          
                              5,001 – 6,000
                              4,001 – 5,000 
                              3,001 – 4,000
                              3,000 and below

Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Table According
to Families Who Own or Rent Their Houses

Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Table According
 to Where Families Consult in Case of Sickness

                              Faith Healer
                              Private Doctor
                              Public Doctor

Table 6

Frequency and Percentage Table According
to Respondents Who Consult Dentist


Table 7

Frequency and Percentage Table According
to Number of Times Respondents Brush Their Teeth
more than 3 times             
                                  3 times                   
                                  2 times
                              once a day
Table 8

Frequency and Percentage Table According
to Number of Respondents Who Uses Dental Floss

Table 9

Frequency and Percentage Table According
to Number of Respondents Who Uses Mouthwash




1.  Residents are in favor and interested in any programs being introduced in the community.
2. There is ample communication between people.
3. High morale – Pride in the past community achievements or loyalty to the community.
4. There is leadership.
5. There are social services and agencies present such as churches and schools.
6. Social groups or organization are present.
7. High average educational level.
8. The people’s practice is based on belief in God.
9. Natural resources are developed.
10. High standard of living. People have their own houses.
11. There is a political awareness of activity.
12. High interest in remunerative work.
13. Adequate recreational facilities available.
14. No rate of disease, delinquency and crime.
15. Community layout is well planned, beautiful and clean.


1. Indifference of the population to group and community relationships.
2. There is a minimum communication between people.
3.  Low morale – Little or no sense of the past community achievements.
4. No leadership and no group basis for development of leadership.
5. No social services and agencies present.
6. Social groups other than families are non-existent.
7. Illiteracy is widespread.
8. Believed in magic and superstition.
9. Natural resources are undeveloped.
10. Squatter or tenant property relations are accompanied by disinterest in ownership of personal property and careless use of land.
11. No political awareness of activity.
12. Little interest in remunerative work.
13. Few recreational facilities.
14. Little rate of disease, delinquency and crime.
15. Community layout is little and no sense of art.


1. An atmosphere of suspicion, distrust and jealousy, marks personal and group relations.
2. Malicious whispering and propaganda prevalent.
3. Indifference towards community past achievements.
4. Community leaders are interested on retaining positions and powers.
5. Incomplete and inadequate social services.
6. Social groups are existent but lack coordination.
7. The population is a mixture of illiterate, half-educated and well-educated individuals.
8. Indifference to religion.
9. Confused and wasteful exploitation of natural resources.
10. Unequal distribution of wealth – much poverty.
11. Lethargic attitude towards politics, resulting in boss rule. (graft and corruption)
12. Labor is dissatisfied.
13. Inadequate recreational facilities.
14. High rate of disease, delinquency and crime.
15. Community layout is plan less, ugly and dirty.


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